STEVEN R. BOYEA, M.D., Resident, Orthopaedic Surgery
J. RICHARD BOWEN, M.D., Chief, Orthopaedic Surgery
June 10, 1996
History: The patient is a 14 + 6 year old black male with a one
year history of progressively worsening left knee pain. He states that
the pain began in both knees and was intermittent, Tylenol helped alleviate
the pain. Over the past 6 months the pain is more isolated to the left
knee and has become constant in nature. Within the last 2 weeks the constant
pain has become bad enough to limit his activities. He is unable to attend
school or walk more than several hundred feet because of the pain. The
pain is now affecting his sleep. He does get some relief with rest and
elevation of the knee. The pain also limits his motion in that knee. He
denies any trauma to the knee and has no other medical problems. He is
not taking any medications. There is no family history of leg deformities.
Physical Exam: The adolescent is a morbidly obese 14 + 6 year
old black male. His extremity exam reveals an asymmetric pelvis with the
right being elevated. There is a leg length inequality with the left leg
being about 3.5 cm shorter than the right. He also demonstrates a significant
proximal tibia vara of about 35o. There was tenderness to palpation
over the medial proximal metaphysis with some mild medial joint line tenderness.
The knee demonstrated mild medial laxity on valgus stress. He does not
demonstrate any anterior or posterior laxity or instability. There is knee
flexion from 0-120o with some tenderness. Hip and ankle show
full range of motion and hi is neurovascularly intact. Strength is 5/5
in all muscle groups.
Radiographs: AP/Lateral of left knee from September of 1995 demonstrate
a mild varus deformity with an estimated metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle of
8o. There is also evidence of widening of the medial 1/3 of
the proximal tibial physis
The AP of the left knee in May of 1996 shows worsening of the varus deformity
with a metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle of 14o. There is increased
widening of the medial proximal tibial physis with evidence of sclerosis.
The scanogram demonstrated a 4 cm leg length discrepancy, with the left
shorter than the right
There is no abnormality in the hip or femur.
- Adolescent Tibia Vara (Blount's Disease) of the left leg
- Morbid Obesity
- Left proximal tibia osteotomy
- Placement of external fixator (Ilizarov) for straightening and possible
- First described by Erlander in 1922.
- Blount presented 13 cases and reviewed the literature of another 15
cases in 1937 delineating between the different types, adolescent vs. infantile.
- Langenskiold classified the six progressive radiographic stages in
- Definition: Growth disorder of the medial aspect of the proximal tibial
physis, with abrupt medial angulation of the proximal tibia distal to the
epiphysis, leading to varus angulation of the proximal tibia and medial
rotation of the tibia.
- Risk factors
- obesity
- female gender
- afro-american lineage
- walking at an early age
- family history (?), 9-43% have an affected family member
- Differential diagnosis
- physiologic bow legs, metaphyseal/diaphyseal varus angle less than
- rickets
- osteomyelitis
- trauma
- Ollier's disease
- metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
- focal fibrocartlaginous dysplasia
- Infantile: (Early onset)
- onset between 1-3 years
- bilateral
- usually symmetric
- occasional resolution
- etiology is abnormal compression on medial proximal tibial physis
- Juvenile: (Late onset)
- onset between 4-10 years
- unilateral
- associated with a physeal bridge
- Adolescent: (Late onset)
- onset over 11 years
- same as juvenile
Clinical Features:
- Infantile:
- non-tender bony prominence or "beak" may be palpable over
the medial tibial condyle
- excessive medial tibial torsion
- pronated feet
- shortening of the involved leg
- Juvenile/Adolescent:
- pain and tenderness over the medial prominence of the proximal tibia
- mild medial knee ligamentous laxity
- obesity
- shortening of involved leg up to 3-4 cm
Radiographic Features:
- Infantile:
- abrupt medial angulation "beaking" of the medial cortical
wall of the proximal tibial metaphysis
- straight lateral wall of proximal tibial metaphysis
- metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle greater than 11o
- tibial/femoral angle greater than 15o
- Juvenile/Adolescent:
- abrupt medial angulation of the medial cortical wall of the proximal
tibial metaphysis
- metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle greater then 11o
- tibial/femoral angle greater than 15o
- middle part of the medial half of the epiphyseal plate is narrowed
- bony epiphyses are normal in shape with no step-off in the epiphyseal
Histologic Features:
- Islands of densely packed hypertrophied cartilage cells, not in the
usual columnar organization
- Acellular fibrous cartilage
- Abnormal groups of capillary vessels
Staging: (Langenskiold, JBJS, 1964)
- I: irregular metaphyseal ossification combined with medial and distal
protrusion of the metaphysis
- II, III, IV: evolves from a mild depression of the medial metaphysis
to a step-off of the medial metaphysis
- V: increased slope of medial articular surface and a cleft separating
the medial and lateral epicondyle
- VI: bony bridge across the physis
- Non-operative
- observation, if within the first 2 years of life
- orthotics
- age 2-3 years
- metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle > 11o
- tibial/femoral angle > 15o
- KAFO is designed to provide rotational support, 23 hrs/day
- 50% progress
- takes 1 year to determine effectiveness
- ineffective in adolescents
- Operative
- Infantile:
- absolute indications
- depression of the tibial plateau
- impending closure of the medial physis of proximal tibia
- ligamentous laxity of the knee
- relative indications
- metaphyseal/diaphyseal angle > 30o
- tibial/femoral angle > 15o
- method
- tibial osteotomy
- tibia rotated outward and angled laterally to give 6-10o
of valgus
- osteotomy of fibula through separate incision
- fixation with external fixator or internal fixation or cast
- Adolescent:
- same indications
- method
- same as above
- +/- epiphysiodesis based on age and leg length discrepancy
- Blount, W.P. Tibia vara. J Bone Joint Surg 19(1): 1-29, 1937.
- Greene, W.B. Infantile tibia vara: Instructional course lecture. J
Bone Joint Surg 75A(1): 130-142, 1993.
- Henderson, R.C. Adolescent tibia vara: Alternatives for operative treatment.
J Bone Joint Surg 74A(3): 342-350, 1992.
- Hoffman, A. Blount's disease after skeletal maturity. J Bone Joint
Surg 64A(7): 1004-1009, 1982.
- Langenskiold, M.D. Tibia vara, osteochondrosis deformans tibiae. J
Bone Joint Surg 46A(7): 1405-1420, 1964.
- Loder, R.T. Infantile tibia vara. J Ped Orthop 7: 639-646, 1987.
- Schoenecker, P.L. Blount's disease: A retrospective review and recommendations
for treatment. J Ped Orthop 5: 181-186, 1985