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Our Disclaimers

(A preamble to these disclaimers is found on the Welcome Page.)


The authors and contributors of the information presented in these pages (hereafter "we") have made every effort to ensure accuracy. Nevertheless, we can not assume responsibility for accuracy.

Use this information at your own risk.

We can not accept any responsibility for any undesired effects which occur due to any use of mushrooms (wild or commercial, gathered or bought), especially but not limited to any effects due to consuming mushrooms or any products derived from them. The information found here is simply an attempt to entertain, based on our admittedly inaccurate knowledge, and cannot be considered the advice of an expert or experts.

We can assume no responsibility for your actions, and we recommend that you never eat wild mushrooms of any kind, regardless of the implications of any other information you may find herein, such as a characterization of a mushroom as reportedly safe or delectable to eat.

Plain Language: Why so many disclaimers?

Hey, I'm just a hobbyist. An amateur. Mushrooms are fun, but I am not a professional. I would hate to think that some poor soul went off and poisoned themselves because they got too enthusiastic after seeing these amateur pages. Go slow. Get expert advice. I would hate to hear that YOU got sick, or that YOU died.

And, I would hate to get sued. Mention that to your next-of-kin.

Sure, you can read our tales of delicious mushrooms. But just remember, as the pirates say, "Dead Men tell no tales."

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copyright Michael W. J. West { mwest@nyx.cs.du.edu }
revised Feb. 3, 1995