Here is a summary of some mushroom literature I have acquired for my library. Perhaps you will find some titles that you want to add to your own library. A rough count shows I have over 40 titles; a modest number, but not inconsequential. I am scanning in the cover for each, so be please be patient..
Also, feel free to send me your opinions.
And, I should add, if you are a publisher of mushroom literature, and would like me to review your offerings in these pages, please feel free to send me a copy of your own literature. (Yeah, it's a pretty blatant pitch for freebies, but hey, I'm not proud! I'll write it up! And, I'll call them as I see them! So, step right up and take a chance!)
About 80 amazing photos in this truly back-pocket-sized book. Not too deep, but nicely done.
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